NEET UG 2019 Exam Analysis: Expected Cutoffs, Paper Analysis

National Testing Agency has conducted NEET 2019 exam for more than 1.5 million students across India. The NEET entrance exam is being held as an entrance-cum-eligibility test for admission to both medical and dental undergraduate courses offered by colleges across the country. According to the experts, the NEET 2019 exam was considered between easy to moderate level with most questions based on NCERT text books. There were no surprises in the exam and the pattern was similar to that of last years. No section was particularly difficult. There were around 7-8 questions directly taken from the previous year’s paper and the NCERT text book. Any aspirant who has studied from the NCERT text book, will be able to score well in the exam. NEET 2019 Physics paper Analysis : As per the NEET 2019 analysis released by experts, the difficulty level of physics was moderate with an equal number of questions appearing form Class 11 and Class 12 syllabus. Experts point out that the 92 marks were dedicated to class 12 syllabus and questions from topics like Mechanics and Modern Physics consisted of almost 50% of the paper. Questions from Current Electricity and Magnetic Effect of Current constituted an easy portion of the Physics section. Thermodynamics and Properties of Matter also played a key role in this section. Unit Number of Questions Easy Moderate Difficult Mechanics 17 0 16 1 Heat and Thermodynamics 3 0 3 0 Properties of matter 3 0 2 1 Electrostatics and Capacitor 4 0 4 0 Current Electricity 3 0 3 0 Magnetism, Magnetic Effect of Current and AC 5 0 4 1 Modern Physics 6 0 5 1 Ray and Way Optics 4 0 4 0 Total 45 0 41 4 NEET EXAM 2019 Chemistry Paper Analysis : Expert analysis shows that a total of 24 questions appeared from Class 11 syllabus and 21 from Class 12. The overall difficulty of this section was determined to be easy in comparison to last year’s question paper. The maximum number of questions appeared from the section of Physical chemistry. Total 14 questions from inorganic Chemistry and 12 questions from organic Chemistry were asked in NEET 2019. Units Number of questions Very Easy Easy Moderate Inorganic 14 5 5 4 Physical 19 10 5 4 Organic 12 5 5 2 Total 45 20 15 10 NEET EXAM 2019 Biology Paper Analysis : The overall difficulty level was identified to be of average level. A maximum number of questions came from the topic of genetics – I principle of inheritance & variation and cell in Botany sections. 52% of Class 11 syllabus was covered in the Zoology section and 52% of Class 12 syllabus was covered in the Botany section. Four questions were out of syllabus and were considered difficult to understand. Units Number of questions Easy Moderate Difficult Zoology 40 6 31 3 Botany 50 8 40 2 Total 90 14 71 5 Expected Cutoff NEET 2019 : As subject experts unanimously agree that NEET was relatively easier this year, the expected cutoff has been predicted to go high. The expected general cutoff for NEET qualified would vary between 125 and 135. But for admissions in All India quota & State quota government colleges the cutoff may vary between 510 and 520. The experts feel that as the paper was easier than last year, the cutoffs might likely increase.