NEET PG Exam 2021: Notification, Dates, Eligibility Criteria, Exam Pattern, Application Form, Fees, Admit Card, Result, Cutoff & Counselling

NEET PG 2021: Exam Notification NBE has released the much awaited NEET PG 2021 exam official notification for MD MS Admission into various PG medical courses for session 2021. The NEET PG exam will be held on 18th April* 2021. NEET PG 2021 is a national level entrance test conducted by the National Board of Examinations (NBE) every year for Postgraduate Medical admission in various specializations of MD/MS/PG Diploma courses. To participate in NEET PG 2021 exam a Candidates must possess a valid MBBS degree and a provisional or permanent medical registration certificate issued by MCI or a State Medical Council and must have completed their rotatory internship on or before May 31, 2021, to be eligible for NEET PG 2021 exam. The NEET PG 2021 registration will begin in the first week of February 2021 and will be filled up to last week of February. The NEET PG 2021 examination will be a computer-based test and will be conducted in online mode containing 300 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). The NEET PG 2021 exam will be conducted in a single session at all the 148 test centers across India on 4th April* 2021. NEET PG qualifiers will be called for the counselling process of PG medical admission conducted by the director of medical education (DME) of respective states for state quota seats and for Deemed Universities /central universities, AFMC, ESIC & all India quota seats the counselling will be conducted by Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) on behalf of the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS). NEET PG 2021: Important Dates Events Dates (Tentative) NEET PG 2021 Official Notification January 2021* NEET PG Online Registration Starts 1st week of February 2021* NEET PG Online Registration Closes last week of February* 2021 NEET PG 2021 Admit Card release 2nd week of March 2021* NEET PG 2021 Exam 18th April 2021* NEET PG 2021 Results 4th week of April 2021* NEET PG Counselling 2021 2nd week of May 2021* NEET PG 2021: Eligibility Criteria Candidates must possess a valid MBBS degree from a recognized institution, and have an MBBS degree or provisional certificate to that effect. Candidates must have completed their rotatory internship on or before May 31, 2021. Candidates must have a valid provisional or permanent medical registration certificate issued by MCI or a State Medical Council. NEET PG 2021: Application Form The NEET PG 2021 registration process will start in the first week of February 2021. The application process is completely online and the candidates have to fill in the application details, upload photograph and signature and make application fee payment using debit/credit card or via net banking mode. Candidates must fill their valid email and mobile number to obtain user ID and password. Candidates can rectify the mistakes in their application form and the correction window will be open for a week after the closing of NEET PG 2021 application form NEET PG 2021: Application Fees Category Quota Mode Amount General, OBC Online ₹ 3750 SC, ST Online ₹ 2750 General, OBC, SC, ST PWD Online ₹ 2750 NEET PG 2021: Exam Pattern Particulars Details Mode of Examination Computer-based Test Duration of Examination 3 hours 30 minutes Medium of the Question paper English NEET PG QUESTION 300 questions in three sections A, B and C each containing 50, 100, 150 MCQs respectively Type of Questions Multiple Choice Questions NEET PG Marking Pattern Correct answer carries +4 marks, and Incorrect answer draws – 1 marks NEET PG 2021: Admin Card NEET PG 2020 Admit Card will be available for the candidates in the last week of December 2020. Candidates can download their admit card online and no admit cards will be sent via post. NEET PG 2021: Result NEET PG result will be declared in the last week of April 2021. Candidates can view their result by logging in using theirID/Roll Number and Password. The result will be published in PDF format. The scorecard will display candidates rank, All India quota rank, All India quota category rank, state quota rank and other details. Merit list will be prepared separately for various categories online. All India 50% quota seats status will be released after which eligible candidates will be selected for further admission process. If two or more candidates obtain equal marks, then the priority will be given to the older candidates. Also a separate merit list will be prepared by the state counselling authorities for state quota seats. NEET PG 2021: Cutoff To get admission in PG medical programmes at various renowned institutions, candidates have to obtain the required cutoff marks in NEET PG 2021 entrance test. The cutoff marks will be based on various factors such as number of appearing candidates, number of candidates passed in the test, difficulty level of question paper, no. of vacancy, etc. NEET PG 2021: Counselling NEET PG Counselling 2021 will be held by the Directorate General of Health Services (on behalf of the Medical Counselling Committee) for the seats under All India Quota and in Central and Deemed universities. The state quota allotment process will be conducted by the respective state counselling authorities. Only the candidates qualified in NEET PG 2021 will be eligible to participate for the counselling. MCC will release the provisional allotment list, while the final result will be made available once the seats are allotted. Candidates need to provide an option for up-gradation and also download the allotment letter. Thereafter, report to the allotted college with their relevant documents. The second round of NEET PG counselling will begin from the first week of June. The mop-up round of counselling will be conducted only for the Deemed and Central Universities. Candidates allotted seats through NEET PG 2021 Counselling will have to report to the allotted colleges within the stipulated time for admission purposes.