Notice for Foreign Candidates Applying for Common Entrance Examination of Bachelor Level Programs in Health Professional Education

Medical Education Commission calls for the online application to select candidates for the following bachelor level health professional programs run by various Universities, affiiiated colleges, and health science academies throughout the country, The online application is called from all eligible foreign (Subcategory I: Foreign to appear) candidates from 12 June 2024, 10:00 AM to 2 July 2024, 5:00 PM through the web portal Candidates (Subcategory I: Foreign to appear) can submit the application by paying double amount until 9 July 2024, 5:00 PM (NPT). Candidates (Subcategory II: Foreign NOT to appear) can submit the application by paying single amount until 24 July 2024, 5:00 PM and by paying double amount until 31 July 2024, 5:00 PM (NPT) through the web portal 1. Entrance examination schedule: S.N, Programs Exam Date &Time 1 MBBS 17 August 2024 from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM 2 BDS 18 August 2024 from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM 3 BSc Nursing/BSc Midwifery, BASLP, B Perfusion Technology 19 August 2024 from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM 4 BAMS, BNS/B1dS, BSc MLT, BSc M Ts BPT, BPharm, B Optometry, 20 August 2024 from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM 5 BPH 21 August 2024 from I :00 AM to 2:00 PM a) Eligible candidates can apply for more than one program with separate bank vouchers or online payment through the application portal as per the above examination schedule. b) Details of seat distribution will be published soon on the website. c) All foreign candidates should fi11 up the online application form as stated within the due date. d) The candidates should choose only ono of the following subcategories while filling up the online application form: i. Subcategory I: Foreign to appear MECEE-BL 2025. ii. Subcategory 11: Foreign NOT to appear MECEE-BL 2025 but conditionally opt to apply on the basis of obtained rank above 50’h percentile (or 50% marks in case the result is in percentage system) in the recently conducted national level common entrance examination Of their respective countries. They can select only those seats which remain unfulfilled after a merit-based selection process from Subcategory I 2. Eligibility: The candidate should have passed grade 12 or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry and Biology scoring minimum of 50% aggregate in total marks or CGPA 2.4 or equivalent. Those who appear in the entrance examination conducted by tbe Medical Education Commission will be given the first priority. If the seat falls vacant as stated in clause (b), matching will be done among those who have secured 50″ percentile or above (or 50% marks in case the result is in percentage system) in the latest national-level medical common entrance examination in their respective countries and agreed on the condition to select only those sears which remain unfulfilled after a merit- based selection process from Subcategory I. The remaining seats after completion of the matching of foreign candidates will be transferred to Nepalese-paying seats. Foreign candidates who are selected for admission are required to produce original documents at the time of admission. Candidates who submit fake information/documents will be liable for legal actions as per prevailing rules and regulations of Nepal. 3. Entrance Examination Fees: Entrance examination fees NPR 8,000/- or equivalent (excluding bank service charge for card payment) Name of the bank Himalayan Bank Liinited. Bank SWIFT Code: HIMANPKA Payment services Bank deposit at any branch of Himalayan Bank Limited, Card Payment, ConnectlPS, Khalti, esewa. Account name and address Medical Education C’ommission, Sanotliiini. Application deadline for Candidates (Subcategory I: Foreign to appear) By paying single amoiint: 2 July 2024, 5:00 PM. By paying double amount: 9 July 2024, 5:00 PM Appîication deadline for Candidates (Subcategory Il: Foreign LOT to pppex) By paying single amount: 24 July 2024, 5:00 PM. By paying double amount: 31 July 2024, 5:00 PM. 4. Required digitized documents: Last six digits of transaction reference number (TRN/request unique ID/Transaction code) and applicant’s mobile number (in case or bank counter payment), Recent passport size Passport or E-Aadhaar Scan copy/photo of signature Transcript/marksheet of grade 12 or equivalent. 5. Quality of applicant’s photo and scanned documents: Photo of the applicant i. Image file format: The image must be in the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) format with good quality. ii. Image file sire: The maximum image file size is 200KB (kilobytes). iii. Resolution: Should NOT be crispy or blurry. Certificate/Documents i. File Format: JPEG or PDF. ii. Resolution: Should NOT be crispy or blurry. iii. File size: The maximum file size is 200KB for JPEG and 500 KB for PDF. 6. Procedure for creating an online profile anti submission Of the application: Candidates who applied for the common entrance examination conducted in the previous year will have to use their old username and password when registering their profile. Old candidates have to update their details, and new candidates have to register accounts and profiles according to the details and apply according to the following procedure. a)Online profile creation: Candidates should first create a profile using their email ID and password. This profile can also be used in the future. To start filling up the application form, applicant has to enter the website Go to the Online Application button then Login button. In the login page, click Don’t have an account? Register here button. OR Browse https://entrance.mec, Then click Don’t have an account? Register here link. Click on Foreign radio button in Nationality and fil1 up applicant’s Full Name, Email, Contact Number, Password, confirm Password and chick on Register button to create a user account. A message for email lD verification Will be sent to the email address mentioned while creating profile. After logging into registered email account and clicking on the verification link, email account will be verified and activated. Candidate has to log in by entering the registered email in the User Name box and the password (set while registering) in the Password box. If the email verification message is not received in the registered email, s/he has to
Nepal’s Medical Education Commission (MEC) Academic Calendar 2081/82

MEC Calendar for Bachelor Level (MBBS, BDS, BNS, BSc Nursing, BPH etc) Activity Bachelor Level Self Appraisal Jestha up to the fourth week, 2081 Publication of Application Filling Notice Jestha up to the fourth week, 2081 Inspection Shrawan till first week, 2081 Deadline for Filling Application Form Ashad up to the third week, 2081 Seat Determination Shrawan till second week, 2081 Conduct of Common Entrance Exam Bhadra First Week, 2081 Publication of Result of Common Entrance Exam Bhadra till second week, 2081 Application for re-totaling and result Bhadra till third week, 2081 Online Prioritization Bhadra till fourth week, 2081 Matching and Enrollment By Mangsir, 2081 Class Begins 2081 Mangsir fourth week MEC Calendar for MD/MS, MDS, MSc/MN programs Activity Master’s Level and Specialty Programs Self Appraisal Shrawan, 2081 Publication of Application Filling Notice Kartik till fourth week,2081 Inspection Bhadra, 2081 Deadline for Filling Application Form Mangsir up to the third week, 2081 Seat Determination Asoj, 2081 Conduct of Common Entrance Exam Third week of Magh, 2081 Publication of Result of Common Entrance Exam Up to the fourth week of Magh, 2081 Application for re-totaling and result By Magha Last, 2081 Online Prioritization Magh-Falgun, 2081 Matching and Enrollment By Chaitra, 2081 Class Begins 2082 Baishakh 1 MEC Calendar for DM/MCH and Sub-speciality Programs Activity Master’s Level and Specialty Programs Self Appraisal Shrawan, 2081 Publication of Application Filling Notice Kartik till fourth week,2081 Inspection Bhadra, 2081 Deadline for Filling Application Form Mangsir up to the third week, 2081 Seat Determination Asoj, 2081 Conduct of Common Entrance Exam Third week of Magh, 2081 Publication of Result of Common Entrance Exam Up to the fourth week of Magh, 2081 Application for re-totaling and result By Magha Last, 2081 Online Prioritization Magh-Falgun, 2081 Matching and Enrollment By Chaitra, 2081 Class Begins 2082 Baishakh 1 For More Details Click given below link:Notice regarding the publication of the revised annual academic calendar of Fiscal Year 2081/82 – || Medical Education Commission || (